February Currently!

Quick post today! I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy It's Farley for her ever popular "Currently" series! Today is Saturday, my kids and husband are home, so I want to get out of my office and back to playing with my family! 

Listening: My children giggling! So cute until I remembered that they're supposed to be tidying up their room! Oops. Distracted mom problems. 
Loving: My new gig as a teacherpreneur! I just started this journey a few weeks ago, but it's been awesome so far! I had an awesome chat (or epic three-and-a-half-hour extended it's-been-way-too-long-since-we-talked conversation) with my dear friend, former colleague, and superstar teacher entrepreneur, Ashley from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd! I  hung up feeling so energized and ready to put the pedal to the metal today! I literally can't WAIT to get working each day, and THAT is an incredible feeling. Thanks, friend! <3
Thinking: About working!? What? I literally can't wait to get back to work creating, blogging, and sharing new work! It's crazy how much I love it. 
Wanting: to head out to the Natural History Museum. We only moved to the Pittsburgh area this past summer and haven't yet had a chance to explore all the great things this town has to offer. I'm looking forward to acting like a tourist as we explore our new surroundings!
Needing: To help my girls make their Valentine's Day boxes for school. This was always one of my favorite things to do as a child!  We're all ready to go with stickers and glitter and paper galore! It was always fun at school and at home to have a day (or month!) set aside to focus on the people and things we love! <3 I created a product recently to help our family focus on sharing the love this month. You can pick up a free copy here.
Swooning: The SUN is out! Hooray! Sunshine makes me feel happy, hopeful, and excited to enjoy what's sure to be a wonderful day! It's time for me to get out of this office and into the sunshine!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a fantastic day! 



  1. I have been feeling really great lately about making new products and some of the ideas I have to share with others. I am making sure to take a little more time for me to sit down and blog or schedule some entries!

    1. Yes, it feels good, doesn't it? Thanks for leaving a comment! I appreciate it! :) Good luck on your journey!
      *Sorry, I posted a comment back to you instead of replying! #stilllearning

  2. I have a love hate relationship with my TPT creations. I get excited when people by my stuff because I love sharing, but when I am in grad school I do not like myself because I do not have time to make stuff for my classroom or my TPT store.

    Enjoy your time with your family!

    Good luck with everything!

    1. Yes, Literacy Teacher, being in grad school AND trying to create?! It's sooo tough, especially since your heart is probably pulling you towards your classroom and business, but the grad school has to take priority! Been there. Good luck to you! And thanks so much for leaving me a comment! I really do appreciate it!


      *sorry I posted a reply in a new comment instead of replying! #blognewbie


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